Excellence in Service and Support Since 1991
Meridian is a Manufacturer's Sales Representative. We serve the needs of the high technology companies in Northern California, and Northern Nevada. We are well positioned to respond to the ever-changing environment of High Technology and cover a broad range of markets from Telecomm, Automotive, Consumer, and Industrial.
Business leaders today, are looking to improve operational efficiency, accelerate new product launch and innovate, as competition for market share is relentless!

Meridian is focused on our clients business challenges and goals, with a keen insight on end market dynamics. Our customer engagements focus on innovative technology solutions, driving the development process from conceptual design to validated, production-ready hardware. Our Sales Team is dedicated to deliver a higher level of insight and support to our clients and provide the most cost effective solution to a customer's needs.
Leveraging our industry and product knowledge, our Principals value our expertise to help them mitigate development risks and increase profit in their business. We understand their goals and strategies and implement them accordingly. We add value to both the customer and the principal. We highly emphasize "design-in" activity.

Distributors Are Partners
Meridian has a dedicated staff to support the efforts of the distribution channel. We actively support, train and perform regular reviews to achieve higher levels of success with our distributor partners.